Vivian's TV Dinner, feature bio-tech comedy
My first feature, VIVIAN'S TV DINNER, was a finalist in the Flicker, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles International Film Festivals. VIVIAN'S TV DINNER is a romp through the underbelly of bio-tech. Along the way, Vivian gains the confidence and bravery to finally date her best friend, Trixi.
FLUSH, feature horror
An entire town is peeing itself when trips to the toilet start ending in a body count. Public bathrooms in Boring, Oregon are the hunting ground of choice for a new - and very prolific - female serial killer. This terrifying horror comedy (SCREAM meets SPY in a dirty loo) will scare the sh@t out of you!
THE CANDY TREE, feature holiday
A feature film adaptation of my award-winning children's book, The Candy Tree. A little girl dreams of candy all year long - but especially at Christmas! Her vivid imagination turns everything she sees to candy - from her ice skates to the houses around town. But her favourite dream of all? Turning the village Christmas tree into a magical tree covered in candy! With just a few nights before Christmas...will her sweet dream come true?